Wild Life and Winter Wildlife Breaks
Dumfries and Galloway is ideal for winter wildlife breaks. It has an abundance of wildlife throughout the year but it is the winter months that things really hot up. The Solway Firth is the winter home of literally thousands of migrating birds.
The population of Svalbard’s barnacle geese over-winter on the Solway as do the Icelandic whooper swans. If you are interested in British wild life this is a must. Between October and mid-April the Solway is teeming with birds in their thousands. There are various areas with hides on the coastal wetlands where you can obtain close up views of these amazing birds. This is a wild life photographer’s paradise. It is also a tremendous introduction for those who only have a casual interest.
Spend the day watching whooper swans and greylags up close and then return to the Annandale for a hot bath, a stiff gin and a cracking good dinner.