Real Ale and Cask Conditioned Beer
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The lounge bar at the Annandale stocks real ale, cask conditioned beer and cider. As well as our wide selection of whiskies and wines we are offering some cracking good beer from our local Broughton Brewery. As with our restaurant menu we will be changing our real ales to suit the seasons.
We now stock Merlin’s Ale a mystical brew named after the legendary magician. It is said that Merlin was drowned by the local people in the River Tweed, at Drummelzier the historic home of the Tweedies or Tweed Devils, near Broughton. Perhaps he imparting a little of his impish magic to these ancient waters.
Merlin Ale ABV 4.2%
Generally on Thursday nights a number of local people gather in the bar for an evening of informal acoustic music. It is an open session so if you feel in the mood come and join in.
Our latest offering is the Greenmantle. It is a Scottish border ale named after one of John Buchan’s books
Some other ales that we stock from time to time:
“The Reiver abv 3.6%”
“A light coloured, refreshing ale from the land of the Border Reivers.
A session ale full of character, brewed with a subtle use of Crystal Malt and generous use of the aroma hop, 1st Gold.”
We have a very popular Westons “First Quality Cider “abv 5% a still bright cider on a hand pull as well as Stowford press a bright sparkling cider.